miercuri, 22 octombrie 2008


The relationship is constructed differently in different cultures. In Russia, for example, one typically accords very few people the status of "friend". These friendships however make up in intensity what they lack in number. Friends are entitled to call each other by their first names alone, and to use diminutives. A norm of polite behaviour is addressing "acquaintances" by full first name plus patronymic. These could include relationships which elsewhere would be qualified as real friendships, such as workplace relationships of long standing, neighbors with whom one shares an occasional meal and visit, and so on. Physical contact between friends was expected, and friends, whether or not of the same sex, would embrace, sometimes kiss and walk in public with their arms around each other, or arm-in-arm, or hand-in-hand.

marți, 21 octombrie 2008


La relation d'amitié est aujourd'hui généralement définie comme une sympathie durable entre deux personnes. Elle naîtrait notamment de la découverte d'affinités ou de points communs : plus les centres d'intérêts communs sont nombreux, plus l'amitié a de chances de devenir forte. Elle implique souvent un partage de valeurs morales communes.
Une relation d'amitié peut prendre différentes formes ; de l'
entraide, l'écoute réciproque, à l'échange de conseils, au soutien, en passant par le partage de loisirs.